Month: October 2020
The Khabib Halal/Haraam Ratio: Good Character, Bad Sports, And The Conundrum of Muslim Representation
Published: October 25, 2020 By Zainab (AnonyMouse) Note: This article was reviewed and approved by Shaykh Younus Kathrada for religious content The Muslim Ummah…
The Ruling Regarding the Use of a Pot Made of Dirty Soil
If a potter kneads the soil with impure water when making the pot, then the use of such a baked pot made with filthy soil will be permissible and wudhu will be correct with the water that is present in it.
The Ruling of Praying Salah whilst Wearing a Leather Cap or Belt
Therefore, the things made of leather e.g. caps, belts, etc. which are available in the market, will be regarded as pure.
The Ruling Regarding the Use of Recycled Water
The ruling regarding recycled water is that the body and clothes will not become impure by this water touching it.
Will Modern Water Tanks be in the Ruling of Flowing Water?
If impurity falls into the tank when its water is flowing from both sides i.e. water is being pumped from the well on one side [of the tank] and it is being released out [of the tank] on the other side,
The Ruling of Ghusl when Using a Condom in Sexual Intercourse
Ghusl will become necessary by using a condom in sexual intercourse.
The Ruling of Inserting a Catheter in The Private Part of a Woman for Test Tube Babies (IVF)
Ghusl is not obligated by inserting this tube in the woman’s womb.
The Ruling of the IUD String in the Ghusl of Menses
In this case, for the ghusl of haidh (menses) to be correct, the woman must wash the part of the IUD cord which is hanging out of the private part.
Using Soap in a Fardh Ghusl
It is not an obligation to use soap etc. in ghusl. However,
The Ruling of Narrow Earring Holes in Ghusl
If the earing is so tight that the water is not able to enter the earring hole, then the earring must be moved around, and water must be inserted.