Posted in Articles Mother

Upbringing Children, A Natural Responsibility

Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri Saheb (DB) said: “Why is it that we don’t find books of child upbringing (tarbiyatul awlaad) among the earlier authors? He says:…

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Posted in Articles Motivators Tazkiyah

before its too late.

before its too late. Why do u ignore the command of your lord Allah’s anger and disgrace can you afford? Time, health, worship, a whole…

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Posted in Articles Motivators Tazkiyah

The Youth of Today.

The Youth of Today. Social networking forums, websites, video and online games are extremely profitable for service providers but at what physical, neurological, social, economic,…

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Posted in Articles Misc Modesty Pious Women

Intermingling of Men and Women

The perfection of Islam removes the possible causes and roots which may breed corruption. It is greatly known that the sexual instinct is one of…

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Posted in Misc Misc

Using TV as a medium of Da'wah

Muhtaram, السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته We acknowledge receipt of your query dated 17 October 2012 regarding using the television for da’wah purposes. Our response…

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Posted in Usulul Fiqh

Does the Laws of Shariah change from Region to Region?

Shari’ah seeks to mould our lives in total conformity with the commandments of Allāh, whilst allowing us to indulge in worldly activities to a certain…

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Posted in Motivators الادب

Knowledge and Wealth

رضينا قسمة الجبار فينا             لنا علم و للآعداء مال فإن المال يفني عن قريب          …

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Posted in Biographies

Maulana Zubair (عليه الرحمة) A Great Loss For The Ummah

  The great Daee’ to Islam Maulana Ahmad Laad Saheb has said on Maulana Zubair Saheb’s death: “Today a person has passed away and left…

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Posted in Articles Motivators Tazkiyah Uncategorized

The Dislike of the Salaf with Regards to Giving Religious Verdicts

The Dislike of the Salaf with Regards to Giving Religious Verdicts By Imam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali This is similar to the hatred of the Salaf…

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Posted in Biographies

Mufti Rasheed Ahmad Lhudhianvi

 Life of The Great Mufti at a glance Shaikh-ul-Mushaikh Mufti-e-Aazam Hazrat-e-Aqdas Mufti Rasheed Ahmad Lhudhianvi (May Allah bless him) Name: Shaikh-ul-Musha’ikh Mufti Rashid Ahmad (May Allah bless him) Father:…

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