Category: Wudhu
Performing Ṣalāh after Smoking Marijuana
Question: Zaid smoked marijuana and ganja after taking a ritual bath (ghusl). He, then performed ṣalāh with this ghusl. Is his ṣalāh valid and accepted?…
Replying to Salam while doing Wudhu
Question: How is it to reply to salam when doing wudhu? Answer: حامدا ومصليا If one is occupied in (reciting) the supplications of wudhu, then…
Pointing Finger to the Heavens After Wudhu
Question: Some people lift their index finger (shahadah finger) towards the heavens after wudhu and read a dua. Is this dua authentic? Answer: باسمه سبحانه وتعالى…
Does Wudhu Break if One's Awrah Becomes Exposed?
Question: If someone is in salah, and his awrah (navel to knee) becomes exposed, does his wudhu break? If someone is out of salah, will…
Translating The Quran in English and Giving it to Non-Muslims
Question: Is it permissible to translate the Quran Majeed into English or other such languages? Answer: Yes! It is permissible for the purpose of tabligh…
Giving Non-Muslims Qurans to read
Question: If a Non-Muslim asks for a Quran to read, is it permissible to give him? Can a Non-Muslim touch the Quran without wudhu? He…
Suckling a child does not break wudhu
Question: A woman performed wudhu for salah, thereafter her child started to cry, so she suckled the child. She performed the two sunnah rakaat of Fajr,…