Posted in Haidh & Istihadha Impurity Menstruation

The Ruling of Istinjaa for a Woman in Istihadha

Question: If a woman is bleeding due to istihadha (dysfunctional bleeding) and she needs to perform salah on the road, will istinjaa be necessary? Answer:…

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Posted in Etiquettes (Sunan Wa Aadaab) Impurity Misc Taharah (Purity)

What are the limits of shaving the Pubic Hairs?

Question: What is the limit of shaving the pubic hairs? Where are its boundaries? Answer: From the navel until the roots of the thighs. And…

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Posted in Impurity

Is the Nasal Mucus of a Dog Pure or Impure?

Question: My father is in Nairobi, Africa at the moment. Over there a man asked him a question. He travelled to London and at the…

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Posted in AY 3 Haidh & Istihadha Impurity Menstruation Nifaas

Removing hair and nails during menses and lochia

Question: Is a woman allowed to clip her nails and remove the hair of her underarms and private parts in the state of haidh (menses)…

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Posted in Etiquettes (Sunan Wa Aadaab) Impurity Misc


Question: What is the area in length and width that is to be shaved below the navel? Is it necessary to shave the hairs on…

Posted in Impurity

The boundaries of shaving below the navel

Question: What is the ruling on shaving the hair below the navel? What is its boundary? One Mawlvi said it is not necessary to start…

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Posted in Impurity

Alcohol in Perfumes

Question:  What is the ruling concerning applying perfumes that are available in the market nowadays? What is the ruling of performing salah after applying such…

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Posted in Impurity

The Ruling of Placing a Chicken in Hot Water after Slaughter

Question: Normally nowadays, chickens are placed in hot water after being slaughtered, so that its feathers are easily plucked. Sometimes they are heated over a…

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