Posted in Tafseer

Shaikh Sābūnī’s Tafsīr of Sūrah Al-Mulk Verse 2

He created in this world life and death. He gives life to whom He wishes and gives death to whom He wishes and He is the All-powerful and Alone.

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Posted in Tafseer

Shaikh Sābūnī’s Tafsīr of Sūrah Al-Ḥāqqah Verse 52

Allāh ended Sūrah Al-Ḥāqqah by glorifying the matter of the Qur’ān, exalting and praising the Most Merciful because it is the primary objective of this noble sūrah.

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Posted in Tafseer

The Day the Sky Will be Like Molted Copper

That day when the sky itself will be like molted copper; it would not be able to even remain attached.

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Posted in Tafseer

Shaikh Sābūnī’s Tafsīr on Verse 34 of Sūrah Qalam

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Posted in Etiquettes (Sunan Wa Aadaab) Udhiyah Aqeeqah

Smearing the Newborn’s Head with Zaʿfarān (Spanish Saffron) after Shaving it

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Posted in Etiquettes (Sunan Wa Aadaab) Udhiyah Aqeeqah

Should the Newborn’s Hair be Shaven before or after the Sacrifice of the ʿAqīqah Animal?

One may shave the hair before or after the animal’s sacrifice according to one’s convenience.

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Posted in Daughter Misc Modesty Mother Pious Women Sharhul Hadith Wife

Is Wearing a Black Jilbāb, Abāyah and Overgarment a Saudi Culture?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم One of the tools being used by the enemies of Islam to send the masses astray and naively being adopted by…

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Posted in Daughter Modesty Mother Pious Women Sharhul Hadith Wife

Imam Aiyni’s Censuring of Sinful Women

If Aishah رضي الله عنها were to see the innovation of the women of this time, in respect to newly introduced customs and vices, she would of have harsher in her rebuke

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Posted in Daughter Etiquettes (Sunan Wa Aadaab) Misc Modesty Mother Pious Women Wife

The Sharī Ruling of Wearing a Decorated Burqaʿ (Overgarment)

The female Ṣaḥābiyāt used to wear black coloured jilbābs. From this, it is known that it is best for the colour of the burqaʿ to be black.

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Posted in Usulul Fiqh Usulul Hadith

The Authoritative Nature of Amal Mutawarath (Passed-Down Practise) By Sheikh Hadyer Hasan Khan

The Authoritative Nature of Amal Mutawarath (Passed-Down Practise) By Sheikh Hadyer Hasan Khan حجية العمل المتوارث

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