Month: May 2016
Distance of Travel in the Four Madhhabs: Mawsu'ah Fiqhiyah
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم [The following is translated from the Kuwaiti Fiqh Encyclopedia]: “The vast majority of the scholars namely the Malikiyah, Shafi’iyyah and Hanabilah…
Performing Salah with one’s Forehead Covered in a Warm Hat
Question: Usually in the winter season people wear warm hats on their heads by which their foreheads are covered. Is it necessary to uncover the…
The Ruling of Qiyaam in a Broken Nafl Prayer, the Prayer of Tawaaf and Oath
Question: Is qiyaam (standing) fardh or mustahab in the Qadha of the nafl (voluntary) salah which was broken after commencing it, the salah of oath…
Writing on Gravestones
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum I am seeking guidance in an issue concerning marking graves. Someone suggested that we can mark the graves based on rows and…
Inculcate Good Etiquettes, Then Study Ilm
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The great muhaddith, Abu Bakr Ya’qub ibn Yusuf al-Muttawwi’ee (رحمه الله) studied under giants like Ahmed ibn Hanbal, Ali ibnul Madini…
التعليق الصبيح على مشكاة المصابيح للكاندهلوي
التعليق الصبيح على مشكاة المصابيح للكاندهلوي This is an Arabic commentary on the hadith compilation, ‘Mishkatul Masabih’ by a giant student of Imam Anwar…
Plastering Graves and Placing Headstones
Question: Is it permissible to plaster grave and to place an inscribed headstone? If not, then what is the ruling of the plastered graves and…
Are Fundraising Lunches, Dinners and Barbecues etc. Permissible?
In this detailed fatwa Mufti Abdul Qaiyyum (حفظه الله) of Jamea Islamia Dabhel, Gujrat, India, has proven the permissibility of raising funds through lunches, dinners…
Chronological List of Prominent Hadīth Scholars
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم :الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام علي سيد المرسلين أما بعد The importance of knowing the dates of birth/death of the…
My daughter in University! How much do I know?
Question My daughter is very interested in higher studies and wants to go to UK to study for a degree in a field where…