Posted in Eat Halal Ghusl (Bath) Method of Performance Misc Wudhu

Performing Ṣalāh after Smoking Marijuana

Question: Zaid smoked marijuana and ganja after taking a ritual bath (ghusl). He, then performed ṣalāh with this ghusl. Is his ṣalāh valid and accepted?…

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Posted in Eat Halal Misc

The Ruling of Hooking a Live Fish and Using it as Bait

Question: Is it permissible to fish by piercing a small live fish etc. in a hook? Is it permissible to purchase fish caught in this…

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Posted in Articles Eat Halal Financial Transactions Misc Pious Women

Are Fundraising Lunches, Dinners and Barbecues etc. Permissible?

In this detailed fatwa Mufti Abdul Qaiyyum (حفظه الله) of Jamea Islamia Dabhel, Gujrat, India, has proven the permissibility of raising funds through lunches, dinners…

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Posted in Eat Halal

It is not permissible to sell haram items even to Non-Muslims

Question: I live in Australia where majority of the population is Non-Muslims. There are usually haram ingredients in the foods and drinks over here. Is it…

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Posted in Eat Halal

Crabs are not Halal

Question: Is it permissible to eat crabs or not? Answer: حامدا ومصليا ومسلما Crabs are not halal. And Allah knows best. (Hazrat Mufti) Yusuf Ludhanvi (May…

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Posted in Eat Halal

Is it permissible to consume shark?

Question: There is a fish called “shark” which hunts, bites, rips and eat other fish. Sometimes they eat humans as well. How is it to…

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Posted in Eat Halal

Is it permissible to consume shrimp?

Question: Is it prohibited to eat shrimp? Answer: حامدا ومصليا ومسلما Fish is the only aquatic animal that is permissible for consumption according to the…

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