Posted in Articles Etiquettes of Studying Hadith Uncategorized Usulul Hadith

The recent ‘Maqra-ah’/Hadith Majlis trend

The recent ‘Maqra-ah’/Hadith Majlis trend Attending a few gatherings of completion of hadith books (like the khatm Bukhari) for the purpose of barakah etc is…

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Posted in General History Uncategorized الادب اللغة العربية

Ar-Randi's Elegy

  قصيدة الرندي في رثاء الأندلس Ar-Randi’s Elegy for Andalus By  أبوالطيب (أبو البقاء) صالح  بن شريف الرندي الأندلسي Abu At-Tayyib (Abu Al-Baqaa) Salih Bin…

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Posted in Articles Motivators Tazkiyah

You know you are attached to the dunya when…

You know you are attached to the dunya when…   1. You don’t plan your time around Salaah time. 2. A whole day or two…

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Posted in AY 4 AY 5 Biographies Usulul Hadith

Know the caliber of your Imam

The Messenger of Allah warned us that a time will come when the latter part of this ummah will speak ill of the salafus saliheen….

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Posted in AY 5 Hadith Usulul Hadith

Books to Read before Sihah Sittah

Here is a list of books that students should read before studying the sihaah sittah: 1. بستان_المحدثين_للدهلوي This book has the biographies of some of the…

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Posted in Articles Motivators

Advice given by Mufti Ahmad Khānpūrī (dāmat barakātuh) to the 'Ulamā

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ‘Ilm is such a great blessing that we will never be able to repay Allah Ta’ālā for it. In relation to this ni’mah He…

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Posted in AY 5 Hadith Usulul Hadith

إمداد الفتاح باسانيد ومرويات الشيخ عبد الفتاح

This is the thabat of the syrian muhaddith, Shaikh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah. Students will find his asaneed of hadith books mentioned within.

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Posted in AY 5 Hadith Usulul Hadith

الدر الثمين بأسانيد الشيخ تقي الدين

This is the thabat of Shaikh Taqiyuddeen Nadwi, who was a student of Hazrat Shaikh Maulana Muhammad Zakariya Kandhalvi رحمة الله عليه. Students will find…

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Posted in AY 5 Hadith Usulul Hadith

العناقيد الغالية من الأسانيد العالية : ثبت لمحمد عاشق إلهي البرني المظاهري الحنفي

This is a book that mentions the asaneed of the Ulama of Deoband for Hadith books. It is a must read for students of hadith….

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Posted in Motivators

It is by Faith

…It is by faith I worship Thee a faith You confirmed by revealing Your path to me. Many a day You heard my groans and…

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