Posted in Financial Transactions Mother Pious Women

Is it Permissible to Sell Dolls?

Question: Is it permissible to sell dolls? Answer: It is not permissible to sell dolls if their heads, eyes, ears and other limbs are apparent. Refer…

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Posted in Daughter Etiquettes of Studying Modesty Mother Pious Women Sahabah Seerah Wife

Was there Co-Education in The Messenger’s Era?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Nowadays there is a group of lecturers and self-appointed daaees who claim that men and women attended classes together during the…

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Posted in Articles Etiquettes (Sunan Wa Aadaab) Pious Women

Jealousy: The Destroyer of Iman and Its Definition

بسم الله الرمحن الرحيم Jealousy is one of the most destructive of evil traits but, unfortunately, so many of us are afflicted with it without even…

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