Posted in Fiqh Haidh & Istihadha Talaq (Divorce) Women Issues

The Reason For Six Or Nine Months Wait Before Counting the ʿIddah

The reason the fuqahā’ mention to wait for a period of 6 months before one starts to count the ʿiddah by lunar months, is to ensure that the woman in not pregnant. They say that by that semester it would have been clearly visible if she was pregnant. So, 6 months for istibrā’ and 3 months for ʿiddah.

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Posted in Fiqh Talaq (Divorce) Women Issues

How Are The 3 Lunar Months Counted For ʿIddah?

If the woman was divorced on the 1st of the month, then all agree that she will count her 3 months by the sighting of the crescent (hilāl). Therefore, her ʿiddah can be 90, 89, or 88 days.

If she was divorced on any other day, then there is a difference of opinion regarding how to calculate the 3 lunar months

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Posted in Fiqh Haidh & Istihadha Talaq (Divorce) Women Issues

Menopause at 30 Years of Age: An Exception

In the chapter on ʿiddah, ʿAllāmah Haṣkafī and ʿAllāmah Shāmī mentioned an exception to the rule of 55 years being the age of menopause. 
If a woman became bāligh by age, i.e., by passing 15 lunar years of her life, and never saw a single ḥayḍ her entire life and she reaches the age of thirty (30), the judgment of being a woman in menopause would be issued for her.

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Posted in Fiqh Haidh & Istihadha Menstruation Talaq (Divorce) Women Issues

Menopause Rulings

Ḥayḍ terminates when a woman reaches the age of menopause.
Age of “losing hope” for Ḥayḍ and Nifās (i.e., Menopausal Age)

Lunar: 55 years. [Preferred Opinion]
Solar: 53 years 4 months.
Rule 1: When a woman reaches the age of 55 and her bleeding stops, the judgement of her being in menopause is passed.
Rule 2: The ʿiddah (for a divorce) of a woman who reaches the age of 55 and is no longer seeing blood is counted as 3 lunar months.

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Posted in Talaq (Divorce)

Eddah Duration of a Woman who has Amenorrhea or Long Spells of Purity (Tuhr)

Question: What do the scholars of Deen say concerning the following issue. A woman was pregnant and in this condition her husband gave her the…

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Posted in Talaq (Divorce) Wife

Suspending Divorce on a General Statement but Intending a Specific Scenario

Question: Zaid said to his wife, Hindah, “From tomorrow if you go outside you are divorced thrice,” but his intention was outside at any other…

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Posted in Daughter Etiquettes (Sunan Wa Aadaab) Misc Mother Talaq (Divorce)

Principles of Obeying Parents

تعديل حقوق الوالدين لحكيم الامة مولانا اشرف علي التهانوي Allah Ta’ala states in the Quran: “Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they…

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Posted in Talaq (Divorce)

The wife did not hear the words of divorce

Question: Due to the disobedience of his wife, her nasty words, questionable behavior, and domestic fights, and after losing hope Zaid visualizing Allah’s presence in…

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Posted in Nikah (Marriage) Talaq (Divorce)

Marriage and Divorce over the Phone

Question: Is it permissible to conduct a nikah or pronounce a divorce over the phone? Answer: حامدا ومصليا ومسلما Nikah is not valid over the…

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Posted in Nikah (Marriage) Talaq (Divorce)

Will drinking your wife's milk break your nikah?

Question: One mature man intentionally drank his wife’s milk (breast milk). His wife was careless and poured her milk in his food and the husband…

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