Month: September 2020
The Ruling of Teeth Fillings in Ghusl
If the molars (teeth) are filled with gold or silver in such a manner that it cannot be easily removed and replaced, then it will be in the ruling of an actual part of the body. So ghusl will be valid without removing it.
Does Drinking Alcohol Break Wudhu?
If a person becomes drunk by drinking alcohol, then the wudhu will break. If he does not become drunk at all, then the wudhu will not break.
Does Sleeping on a Chair cause the Wudhu to Break or Not?
The second is that chair which has a back for resting and leaning. If someone leans on this backrest and sleeps his wudhu will break.
The Ruling of Blood Exiting the Pupil of the Eye during a Cataract Operation (Eye Surgery)
If during the cataract operation (eye surgery) blood comes out of the pupil but it remains inside of the eye and does not reach the eyelashes or the outside corner of the eye, the wudhu will not break.
A Large Body of Water (Maa Kathir): The Equivalent of 10 x 10 Dhira’ in Square Feet
A large body of water (ماء كثير) or 10 x 10 dhira’ is defined as one whose surface area (the product of the length and width) is 100 dhira’ which is equivalent to 225 square feet.
Ruling of Wudhu with Water Mixed with Insecticide Powder
Sometimes, insecticide powder is added to the water to kill the germs. Even though it causes a change in the colour, smell and taste, the liquidity and fluidity of the water remains. To perform wudhu with this type of water is permissible.
Ruling of Wudhu with Water Mixed with Dettol
If only one of the three qualities of Dettol (colour, smell, taste) becomes apparent in the water [after adding it to the water], then it will be correct to perform wudhu with it.
Ruling of Wudhu and Ghusl with Zamzam
Zamzam water is blessed water. It is a Shari responsibility to respect the water and consider its etiquettes. Therefore, it is makrooh (reprehensible) for a person who does not have wudhu to perform wudhu with it, provided that there is alternative water available,
Ruling Regarding Filtered Urine
Urine is impure. If it is filtered, it would still remain impure because by filtering, it simply removes the foul odor.
The Ruling of the Wudhu when using a Needle to inject Medicine
If when using an injection to insert (any medicine or) glucose (into the body), a lot of blood (i.e. that amount of blood which would have been able to flow on its own) comes back into the needle,