Posted in Optional

The Fast of the 27th of Rajab

Mufti Salman Mansurpuri حفظه الله said, “Receiving the rewards for one thousand fasts by fasting on the 27th of Rajab is not established in the Holy…

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Posted in Optional Ramadhan Sawm (Fasting)

Using an Inhaler while Fasting for Asthma Patients

Question: People that have asthma sometimes need to use an inhaler. By the inhaler a minuscule amount of air and medicine, in the form of…

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Posted in Misc Optional Ramadhan

Watching TV While Fasting

Question: What is the ruling of watching TV while fasting during Ramadhan to past time? Answer: The original objective of Ramadhan is to train oneself to acquire…

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Posted in Optional Ramadhan

The Fast Breaks if One Ejaculates While Touching

Question: While fasting, Zaid spoke to his wife from far and then he held her hand and ejaculated. Is the fast valid or did it…

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