Month: December 2021
The Importance of Mastering The Masā’il of Menstruation, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding & Lochia
Through the infinite grace and assistance from Allāh Taʿālā alone, He has granted us the tawfīq to begin this task of sharing important information and masā’il regarding menses (Ḥayḍ), dysfunctional uterine bleeding (Istiḥāḍah) and lochia (Nifās) mainly sourced from “Manhal al Wāridīn”, ʿAllāmah Ibn ʿĀbidīn al-Shāmī’s رحمه الله commentary on Imām Birgivī’s رحمه الله “Dhukhrul Muta’h-hilīn”.
“The validity of many other rulings is based on this such as: ṣalāh, fasting, reading and touching the Qur’ān, iʿtikāf, entering the Masjid, ṭawāf of Ḥajj, puberty, divorce, ʿiddah, permissibility of intercourse, lineage.” [ʿAllāmah Shuranbalālī رحمه الله]
It is considered as one of the most detailed, difficult, precise and intricate topics in the study of fiqh.
Hazrat Thanvi on The Ruling of Subjugating Someone and Using Incantations (ʿAmal) Or Amulets (Tʿawīdh) to Achieve it
Is it permissible for a woman to devise a plan to subjugate her husband by using a verse of the Qur’ān, a duʿā’, or through any other way?