Category: Sunan wa Nawaafil
Imam Stood up for the Third Rakat in Taraweeh
Question: In Taraweeh, the Imam stood up for the third rakat instead of sitting in the qa’dah. After the muqtadis cautioned him, he returned to…
Performing Qadha Salah at Tahajjud Time Will Garner its Rewards
Question: If a person performs his life-long Qadha Salahs (missed prayers) at Tahajjud time, will he acquire the rewards of Tahajjud? Answer: One will acquire the…
If a Nafl Prayer was Broken, Can it be Repeated while Sitting?
Question: A person stood and performed a nafl salah. The salah became fasid (invalid). Can he sit and repeat it? Answer: A nafl salah (optional…
In an age when the tarāwīḥ prayers of the blessed month of Ramaḍān are seen and treated by many as an unwelcome hindrance and burden,…
The Status of the Tarāwih Supplication (Tasbīh)
Traditionally, in each tarwīhah, the mustahab break between each set of four rak’ahs of the Tarāwīh prayer, the Muslims of different regions, especially in Makkah and Madīnah, observed different acts of worship. …
Reading from the Mushaf During Salat: A Hanafi Persective
Reading from the Mushaf During Salat: A Hanafi Persective By Abu ‘Asim Badrul Islam During the blessed month of Ramaḍān, it is observed in many…
One-Night Khatms
Allamah Muhaddith Faqeeh Abd al-Hayy al-Laknawi on One-Night Khatms A question often arises about what the people today frequently do on the 27th night or…