Month: February 2016
Detailed Rulings on Flying Kites (Sports in Islam)
Question: What is the ruling of flying kites? Please clarify the issue as I am confused. Answer: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم حامدا ومصليا ومسلما There…
الناهي عن الملاهي An-Naahi a'nil Malaahi
An-Naahi a’nil Malaahi This is an Arabic book written by the late grand Mufti of Pakistan, Mufti Muhammad Shafee Usmani ( رحمه الله) on the…
Using a House which was given as Collateral
Question: How is it to give an owner of a house, upon his request, some money, for instance, Rs. 20,000, and then live in his…
Drinking in Wine Glasses
The great jurist Allamah Ibnul Haaj (رحمه الله) said: “Our scholars have stated that, if a person takes a glass and drinks from it with the…
Performing Qadha Salah at Tahajjud Time Will Garner its Rewards
Question: If a person performs his life-long Qadha Salahs (missed prayers) at Tahajjud time, will he acquire the rewards of Tahajjud? Answer: One will acquire the…
If a Nafl Prayer was Broken, Can it be Repeated while Sitting?
Question: A person stood and performed a nafl salah. The salah became fasid (invalid). Can he sit and repeat it? Answer: A nafl salah (optional…
The Criterion for The Ruling on any Sport or Game
Hazrat Mufti Taqi Usmani (حفظه الله) writes: As regards to the ruling of entertainment and sports in general, my teacher and my father ‘Allamah Mufti…
Basant (Kite Flying) is Contrary to the Laws of Shariah
The inception of kite flying. Between the year 1707 and 1759, during the reign of Zakariya Khan, the governor of Punjab, a Hindu by the…
77 Branches of Faith In Islam By Imam Baihaqi (r.a.)
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Islam is not only the name of a faith but complete way of life, which was brought into the world from Almighty…
Isale-Thawab (Your link to the Deceased)
Whoever comes to this world has to depart and therefore everyone suffers the loss of a dear and near person at some point in his…