Posted in Aqidah Refutation

Recognition & Nature

“The proof that recognition of Allāh is necessary is its being something which the intellect can arrive at. This is so because when a misfortune…

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Posted in Refutation Usulul Fiqh

Objectives of Shariah (Maqaasid Shariah): Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم After studying the Shariah extensively, scholars derived that all the laws of Shariah fulfil one of the five objectives, benefits or…

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Posted in General History Misc Refutation

Curse of Ham

He [Ibn al-Jawẓī] wrote, “As for that which has been narrated that Nūḥ’s privates were uncovered and Ḥām did not cover it due to which…

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