Category: Janazah (Funeral)
Visiting the Graveyard on Eid
Visiting the graves reminds one of the Hereafter. Therefore, it is befitting to visit the grave on the day of Eid.
Plastering Graves and Placing Headstones
Question: Is it permissible to plaster grave and to place an inscribed headstone? If not, then what is the ruling of the plastered graves and…
How will a Deceased Sit Up in a Grave?
Question: What is the basis for the famous notion that the grave should be so deep that when the Angels come to question the deceased…
Taking a wage for Reciting the Quran on behalf of a Deceased
Question: How is it to take money for Quran Khaawni (reciting the Quran and gifting the rewards to the dead)? Answer: حامدا ومصليا ومسلما It is…
A Congregational Recital of the Quran at the grave of a Pious man
Question: Is it permissible to have a congregational recital of the Quran Majeed at the grave of a pious man with the intention of gifting…
Taking a Quran Majeed to the Graveyard with the Deceased
Question: How is it to take a Quran Majeed to the graveyard with the deceased? Answer It has no basis. And Allah knows best (Hazrat…
Counting 40 Foot-Steps When Taking a Maiyit (corpse) for Burial
Question: When lifting up the Janazah (corpse) of a deceased, the people of out locality have this custom of counting 40 footsteps and then gifting…
Taking the Quran in the Graveyard
Question: How is it to take a Quran in the graveyard for recitation? Answer: One should not (take it). After going there read whatever one…
Laws relating to the deceased
Laws relating to the deceased Mufti Hanif Yusuf Patel (hafidhahullah) has prepared this detailed document of janāzā, burial and related isues as part of his…
To Recite Fatihah in front of the food
Question: Is reciting Fatihah in front of food with ones hands lifted established in a hadith or narration? How is it to consider Fatihah necessary?…