Category: Sadaqah
The Ruling of Zakah on a Person who took a Loan to Purchase a House in Canada
And according to the most authentic view, the deferred/long-term debt does not prevent the obligation
Ṣadaqatul Fiṭr & Relatives
Relatives are divided into two categories: a category whom it is impermissible to give ẓakāh or any wājib charity, and another whom it is permissible,…
Ruling and Kaffarah for Sexual Intercourse During Menses
Question: Is it a major sin to have intercourse with one’s wife during menses? Is there a severe warning concerning it? Answer: It is prohibited…
Will Sales Tax be Considered in Determining the Price of Zakat and Mahr Fatimi etc.?
Question: In this country, financial transactions are made with a sales tax (VAT). So, will one add the VAT when calculating the price of gold…
Kaffarah for Breaking an Oath
The Kaffarah (Expiation) for breaking an oath is: Free a slave, or Feed ten poor people an average two meals, or Clothe ten poor people…
Giving One's Brother or Sister Zakat
Question: Is it permissible to give zakat to our brothers and sisters? Answer: If your (brother or) sister is eligible to receive zakat, then it…
How many Poor People can Fidyah be Distributed to?
Question: Is it permissible to give many people the fidyah of one salah or should it only be given to one person? Similarly should the…
Agent Switches the Notes of Zakat
Question: One person gives another person notes of zakat or any other wajib sadaqah to pass on to the poor. This agent changed the notes….
Representative Exchanges the Zakat Notes
Question: A person gave me one thousand rand (South African currency) and made me an agent to pass on this zakat to a person in India….
A Request to the Well-To-Do when Paying Sadaqatul Fitr
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri رضي الله عنه said, “We used to give one Sa’ of meal or…