Posted in Janazah (Funeral)

Plastering Graves and Placing Headstones

Question: Is it permissible to plaster grave and to place an inscribed headstone? If not, then what is the ruling of the plastered graves and…

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Posted in Janazah (Funeral)

How will a Deceased Sit Up in a Grave?

Question: What is the basis for the famous notion that the grave should be so deep that when the Angels come to question the deceased…

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Posted in Janazah (Funeral) Misc

Taking a wage for Reciting the Quran on behalf of a Deceased

Question: How is it to take money for Quran Khaawni (reciting the Quran and gifting the rewards to the dead)? Answer: حامدا ومصليا ومسلما It is…

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Posted in Salah (Prayer) Sunan wa Nawaafil

Performing Qadha Salah at Tahajjud Time Will Garner its Rewards

Question: If a person performs his life-long Qadha Salahs (missed prayers) at Tahajjud time, will he acquire the rewards of Tahajjud? Answer: One will acquire the…

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Posted in Method of Performance Sunan wa Nawaafil

If a Nafl Prayer was Broken, Can it be Repeated while Sitting?

Question: A person stood and performed a nafl salah. The salah became fasid (invalid). Can he sit and repeat it? Answer: A nafl salah (optional…

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Posted in Financial Transactions Misc Safar (Travel)

Travelling Without a Ticket

Question: If a person travels in a train in India without a ticket, would he be sinful in the eyes of Allah? Answer: حامدا ومصليا ومسلما…

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Posted in Salah (Prayer)

Sajdah-Sahw on Masbooq if he makes Salam after the Imam

Masbooq: A person who has missed any rakats in a congregational salah. After the Imam completes his salah, the masbooq gets up and makes up…

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Posted in Janazah (Funeral)

 A Congregational Recital of the Quran at the grave of a Pious man

Question: Is it permissible to have a congregational recital of the Quran Majeed at the grave of a pious man with the intention of gifting…

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Posted in Janazah (Funeral)

Taking a Quran Majeed to the Graveyard with the Deceased

Question: How is it to take a Quran Majeed to the graveyard with the deceased? Answer It has no basis. And Allah knows best (Hazrat…

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Posted in Janazah (Funeral)

Counting 40 Foot-Steps When Taking a Maiyit (corpse) for Burial

Question: When lifting up the Janazah (corpse) of a deceased, the people of out locality have this custom of counting 40 footsteps and then gifting…

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