He give a watch to the Repairman and did not return


Zaid is a watch repair man. People give him watches to repair. There are some watches that are lying in his shop for many years, for which no owner has returned until now. There is also no hope that they will come. The watch repairman does not know who these owners are or where they live. If the watches are kept any longer they will rust and become useless. What should be done?

Answer in the Name of the Inspirer of truth:

If the watch repairman has lost hope concerning the return of the owners, then he should give them away in charity. After giving them in charity if any of the owners of the watches return then he (owner) would have the option of completing the suspended act of charity or he may take the value of the item from the person who took the watch (and gave it in charity i.e. watch repairman) or he may take back his watch from the poor man it was given to. If the watch had perished (in the poor man’s hand) then he (owner) may take a recompense from him (poor man). If the man that took the watch (and gave it in charity i.e. watch repairman) pays the value (to the owner) he will be rewarded for the charity. It is not permissible for the watch repairman to sell the watches.

قال الامام المرغيناني رحمه الله تعالى : قال فإن جاء صاحبها وإلا تصدق بها إيصالا للحق إلى المستحق وهو واجب بقدر الإمكان وذلك بإيصال عينها عند الظفر بصاحبها وإيصال العوض وهو الثواب على اعتبار إجازة التصدق بها وإن شاء أمسكها رجاء الظفر بصاحبها
قال فإن جاء صاحبها يعني بعد ما تصدق بها فهو بالخيار إن شاء أمضى الصدقة وله ثواها لأن التصدق وإن حصل بإذن الشرع لم يحصل بإذنه فتيوقف على إجازته والملك يثبت للفقير قبل الإجازة فلا يتوقف على قيام المحل بخلاف بيع الفضولي لثبوته بعد الإجازة فيه وإن شاء ضمن الملتقط لأنه سلم ماله إلى غيره بغير إذنه إلا أنه بإباحة من جهة الشرع وهذا لا ينافي الضمان حقا للعبد كما في تناول مال الغير حالة المخمصة وإن شاء ضمن المسكين إذا هلك في يده لأنه قبض ماله بغير إذنه وإن كان قائما أخذه لأنه وجد عين ماله

 (الهدية 2:615 )

And Allah Ta’ala knows best.

(Hazrat Mufti) Rasheed Ahmed Ludhyanvi (May Allah have mercy on him)

Ahsanul Fatawa 6/389-390

 Also see the following fatwas: 1 & 2

Author: Ibn Suleman

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