My heart is Not in my Studies & I'm Fed up of Taunts From my Colleagues

Many students of Deen complain of not having the zeal to study. Below is a letter written by the Barakatul Asr, Baqiyatu Akabirina, Mufti A’zam, Hazrat Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri (May Allah preserve him) -when he was around 16 years of age and in his 3rd year of the 7 year Alim program- to Baqiyatus Salaf, Qutubul Aqtaab, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariyah Kandhalvi (May Allah have mercy on him) and his reply concerning this complaint and its remedy:

From Ahmed Muhammad Khanpuri
Assalamu Alaikum
Respected and hounorable Rectifier of the heart Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariyah Saheb (May his blessings be everlasting),

I have strong hope that your honour is healthy. This humble one is a student at Madrasah Ashrafiyyah Randeer. He is studiying Kanzud Daqaaiq, Usoolush Shaashi, Sharh Jaami, Sharh Tahzeeb etc. Today this humble one has entered your honour’s court through a letter. He considers himself fortunate for this. I also hope that your honour will ponder over my following condition.

I do not have the zeal to study my books and lessons. Alhumdulillah, I do learn my lesson, however at the moment I do not have the zeal for it. Rather, my heart is even not there in Salah etc. I get strange types of thoughts. I have also become despondent due to the taunts of my colleagues to the extent that I get suicidal thoughts. My colleagues make many false accusation concerning me. If my heart is in anything, it is only in the (recitation of) Quran Shareef, not in anything else. These are my inner maladies.

There is one bodily disease that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه و سلم sought protection from. It is the (skin) disease of vitiligo (برص). It is in it’s begging stages. Do inform me of a dua or some recitation (ورد) that will prevent it from spreading.

Do also prescribe what your honour considers befitting concerning the inner ailments. I request your honour to make dua of good for me that Allah helps me to practice on what pleases Him; and helps me to refrain from what displeases Him; and that He makes me a person who appreciates ilm (knowledge).

In need of Dua: Ahmed Khanpuri

26/Rabiyuth Thaani/82 AH

There is an envelope at your honour’s service for a reply.

Reply to Request:

My loving one, May Allah keep you safe.

After Masnoon Salam: Your affectionate letter reached me. I was saddened by the news of your sickness. This humble one makes dua the Haqq Ta’ala Sha’nuhu, through His Virtue and Kindness grants you complete, speedy and lasting recovery.

After every salah recite the following seven times:

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْبَرَصِ، وَالْجُذَامِ، وَالْجُنُونِ، وَمِنْ سَيِّئِ الأَسْقَامِ

(O Allah I seek Your protection from vitiligo, leprosy, insanity and chronic diseases.)

Before and after it recite durood shareef (Salutations on the Messenger صلى الله عليه و سلم) three times each. This humble one also makes dua that Allah grants you cure from all ailments.

The remedy for not having zeal in learning and studying (mutala’h) is to engross yourself in learning and studying. Allah willing, your heart will start to yearn for it.

There is no need whatsoever in feeling bad about the taunts of your colleagues. They are doing you a favour by giving you the rewards of their good deeds. And if they don’t have any good deeds they are taking your sins on their heads.

However, you should scrutinize their taunts. If the defect that they are criticizing you about is really in you, then you should try and leave it out. For this, reading this humble one’s booklet “الاعتدال” (Islamic Politics) will prove beneficial.

May Haqq Ta’ala Sha’nuhu, through His Virtue and Kindness grant you His pleasure and love. May He grant you the ability to practice on those acts that please Him and may He protect you from those acts that displease Him.

Zakariyah. Written by Haamid Husain

16/Jamadiyul Ulaa/82 AH

(Mahmoodul Fatawa 1/104-106)

Author: Ibn Suleman

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