Posted in Haidh & Istihadha Impurity Menstruation

The Ruling of Istinjaa for a Woman in Istihadha

Question: If a woman is bleeding due to istihadha (dysfunctional bleeding) and she needs to perform salah on the road, will istinjaa be necessary? Answer:…

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Posted in Daughter Misc Modesty Mother Pious Women Wife

Taking a Ride With a Non-Mahram in a Car

Question: Is it permissible for a woman to sit with a non-mahram in a car due to need? Will this be counted as khalwah (seclusion)?…

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Posted in Financial Transactions Mother Pious Women

Is it Permissible to Sell Dolls?

Question: Is it permissible to sell dolls? Answer: It is not permissible to sell dolls if their heads, eyes, ears and other limbs are apparent. Refer…

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Posted in Fardh (Zakat) Financial Transactions

Representative Exchanges the Zakat Notes

Question: A person gave me one thousand rand (South African currency) and made me an agent to pass on this zakat to a person in India….

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Posted in Salah (Prayer) Sunan wa Nawaafil

Performing Qadha Salah at Tahajjud Time Will Garner its Rewards

Question: If a person performs his life-long Qadha Salahs (missed prayers) at Tahajjud time, will he acquire the rewards of Tahajjud? Answer: One will acquire the…

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Posted in Method of Performance Sunan wa Nawaafil

If a Nafl Prayer was Broken, Can it be Repeated while Sitting?

Question: A person stood and performed a nafl salah. The salah became fasid (invalid). Can he sit and repeat it? Answer: A nafl salah (optional…

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