When is a permanent method of Birth Control Permissible?


Coitus interruptus is legalized as a method of birth control. Are other modern means like the permanent operations, or temporary means like condoms or tab permissible? If a woman did a permanent operation, how can she make a recompense? When is family planning permissible? What is considered an excuse?


If there is a need, then one may utilize means or medication for birth control, as long as the reason persist. However, without any shar’ee excuse, removing the womb permanently to deprive oneself of children is being ungrateful.

If due to the deterioration of health, a woman is unable to bear pregnancy; and there is a fear on her life; and there is no alternative to the operation; and a righteous, experienced, Muslim homeopathic practitioner or a righteous, experienced, Muslim doctor permits it, then it would be permissible to have the operation done.

(The permissibility of) coitus interruptus or any other modern method which prevents the semen from entering the womb is specific to times of need. Another restriction is that it does not become a means of permanently preventing procreation.

And Allah knows best

(Hazrat Mufti) Ahmed Khanpuri (May Allah preserve him)

The answer is correct.

(Mufti) Abbas Dawud Bismillah (May Allah preserve him)

Mahmoodul Fatawa Vol.4 Pg.716

Also see here.

See here for a detailed fatwa on reversible and irreversible contraceptives.

Author: Ibn Suleman

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