Four main reasons for problems.

Four Main Reasons for Problems.images
Alhamdulillah on April 13 2014 we were fortunate to be in the company of Maulana Saieed Patel son of Hafiz Patel.
He rendered a discourse that was beneficial to all and I`ll summarise his lecture.
One thing that is common in the lives of people on the face of the earth today, is problems. Whether the people are affluent or non-affluent, government or citizens husbands or wives all have problems.
In addressing problems we should not look only at the symptoms and try to treat it, rather we should get to the root of the problem. If that is treated then the problems will go away.
So what are the roots of our problems?
(a)    Ungratefulness – (Ibrahim, verse7) لَاِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ لَاَزِيْدَنَّكُمْ وَ لَاِنْكَفَرْتُمْ أِنَّ عَذَابِيْ لَشَدِيْد
When we look at water everything needs it , the plants, animals and human beings, but look at the type of wastage that occurs with water. At the time of brushing the teeth alone the amounts of  water that just goes down the drain with the tooth brush and toothpaste.
With the Miswaak less water is used. Although there is nothing wrong with the toothbrush and toothpaste the Sunnah of the Rasool is pushed aside and there is no remorse in the heart for not practicing the Sunnah of the Rasool even. Sahaba were adamant to practice every Sunnah of the Rasool, because in that was their success.
Water which is a great favour from Allah is wasted, therefore this is ungratefulness.
Another example cited by Maulana for wastage is with regards to time. If people were to fulfill the rights of Allah and the creation then they would be spending their time properly. Sahaba were so concerned with not wasting time that they would change their diet just to remember Allah more. In Jannah the regret of these people would be the time that they spent without the remembrance of Allah. So time is a favour, is gratitude shown or not.
(b)   Technology – A lot of the time of people is spent in technology. However there is some benefit if used properly, however many people don’t use it properly and there are far reaching consequences. People`s Aqaaid become corrupt, marriages become broken, people give up Mazaahib because of  the internet, people are connected to people across the globe and they are strangers to their own household.
Allah describes alcohol in the Holy Quraan as having some benefit however its harms are more, similar is that of technology.
(c)    Picking and choosing.( Baqara, verse 85) أَفَتُؤْمِنُوْنَ بِبَعْضِ الْكِتَابِ وَ تَكْفُرُوْنَ بِبَعْض
When it comes to the Deen of Allah people choose that which is convenient to them and leave aside and not practice that which is not convenient. When it comes to the Deen of Allah we have to take everything.
(d)   Oppression – This is the moving of something from its rightful place to somewhere else. Because of people being involved in oppression so much problems are occurring. Maulana urged everyone to examine their own lives and see the oppression that they are committing.
The Prophets, Sahaba and Aslaaf even though they were so righteous and connected with Allah did so much Istighfaar. However we are in so much sin yet still we do no Istighfaar.
There are other reasons for the problems in the world however these were four major ones Maulana highlighted. He urged that we try to eradicate these qualities and do much Istighfaar.

Author: Aleem

1 thought on “Four main reasons for problems.

  1. As Salaamu Alaikum
    When we look at the amount of time spent on facebook,watsapp,twitter or simple checking emails, its amazing.Majority of the time its doing things that are fruitless and we dont even realise it.We then become so addicted that a day doesnt go by without being on these social networks.people even waste time on Islamic sites from one to the other and article to article and at the end they haven`t read one or learnt a single thing.May Allah grant us Tawfeeq to spend our time fruitfully to gain his pleasure.
    And water!Subhaanallah.the amount that goes down the drain when showering, sometimes untouched.Standing there waiting for our bodies to clamatise. May Allah forgive us.

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