بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
The so-called ‘Halal memes’ that are on social media are totally against the blessed teachings, the message and the spirit of Islam. These are not permissible since they involve making fun of Islam, Islamic teachings, noble Ahadith and practices of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), Quranic verses and injunctions and even duas and blessed words of glorifying and praising Allah. These are all done to ‘sound funny’, ‘get a laugh’, and ‘make a joke’. At times, people put on strange and funny faces while saying something that is in the Holy Quran. One meme which was posted, showed Spider man with his hands raised like if he was in dua, while the name given for him was ‘SPIDER – IMAN’. How insensitive and distasteful these are to Islam. These so called ‘Halal memes’ amount to nothing but making fun, mockery and joke of Allah, His Messenger and His religion, which are all acts of Kufr. Muslims must avoid these to protect their Imaan, and must not be a part of these by viewing, sharing posts or encouraging others towards these.
And Allah knows best
Mufti Waseem Khan
Courtesy: darululoomtt.net