To perform Asr on the mithlul awwal (first shadow) occasionally


I live in such a city where there are a lot of ghair muqalledeen. Almost all the imams of the masaajid are ghair muqallids as well. They lead the Asr salah on the first mithal (shadow). Sometimes I am put forward to lead the prayers as well. Since I am a hanafi, will it be permissible for me to lead the Asr prayer on the first mithal?

Answer: حامدا ومصليا ومسلما

It is mentioned in Fatawaa Mahmoodiyyah that, the preferred view and the one upon which the fatwa is given is that the time of Asr commences at the second mithal (shadow). However there is also a second view that it begins after the first mithal. And it is not necessary to repeat the salah performed at this time. (16/318)

Therefore it will be okay if a person coincidentally had to lead the salah at this time. However, to make the performance of Asr on the first shadow a continuous habit is tantamount to disregarding the hanafi mathab. Therefore that should not be practised. If possible, some hanafi brothers should go to another masjid and perform Asr in congregation at the second shadow. If this is also difficult, then they should perform jamat in some room or prayer hall. (16:329-330 ماخوذ از فتاوى محمودية)

 As much as possible one should refrain from praying behind the ghair muqallideen. Yes, at the time of need one may perform behind them instead of forgoing the congregational prayer. (احسن الفتاوى 3:282)

And Allah Ta’aalaa knows best.
(Hazrat Mufti) Ahmed Khanpuri (May Allah preserve him)
Mahmoodul Fatawa 1/476-477

Author: Ibn Suleman