Ar-Randi's Elegy


قصيدة الرندي في رثاء الأندلس

Ar-Randi’s Elegy for Andalus


 أبوالطيب (أبو البقاء) صالح  بن شريف الرندي الأندلسي

Abu At-Tayyib (Abu Al-Baqaa) Salih Bin Sharif, Ar-Randi, Al-Andalusi

((601 هـ -684 هـ الموافق: 1204 – 1285 م))

لكل شيء اذا ما تم نقصان

For everything that reaches perfection there is decline

فلا يغر بطيب العيش انسان

Mankind should not be deceived by the good life

هي الامور كما شهدتها دول

This is how things are, just as you have witnessed the turning of time

من سره زمن سائته ازمان

Whomever time pleases, other times will displease him

و هذه الدار لا تبقي علي احد

And this world does not spare anyone

و لا يدوم علي حال لها شان

No one remains in one state, there will be disgrace

يمزق الدهر حتما كل سابغة

Time inevitably tears every armor

اذا نبت مشرفيات و خرصان

When the swords and spears are raised

و ينتضي كل سيف للفناء و لو

And every sword fades into ruin, even if

كان ابن ذي يزن و الغمد غمدان

It was Ibn Dhi Yazan and the sheath was covering it

اين الملوك ذوو التيجان من يمن

Where are the kings wearing crowns from Yemen

و اين منهم اكاليل و تيجان

And where are the diadems and crowns among them

و اين ما شاده شداد في ارم

And where are the buildings Shadaad built in Iram

و اين ما ساسه في الفرس ساسان

And where is the land that Sasaan ruled in Persia

و اين ما حازه قارون من ذهب

And where is the gold that Qarun possessed

و اين عاد و شداد و قحطان

And where is Aad and Shaddad and Qahtaan

اتي علي الكل امر لا مرد له

A matter that could not be driven back came to all

حتي قضوا فكأن القوم ما كانو

Until they were annihilated, then it was as though they had never existed

و صار ما كان من ملك و من ملك

And whatever kingdom or king existed became

كما حكي عن خيال الطيف وسنان

As though a person taking a nap were narrating the vision of a vision

دار الزمان علي دارا و قاتله

Time circulated by Daraa and his killer

و ام كسري فما اواه ايوان

And alighted with Kisra, but no home would lodge it

كأنما الصعب لم يسهل له سبب

As though, no reason could make difficulty easy

يوما و لا ملك الدنيا سليمان

A day came when Sulaiman (A.S.) did not rule the world

فجائع الدهر أنواع منوعة

The misfortunes of time are of varied types

و للزمان مسرات و أحزان

Time owns happinesses and sorrows

و للحوادث سلوان يسهلها

New events possess a solace and forgetfulness that makes it easy

و ما لما حل بالاسلام سلوان

But there is no solace for what occurred to Islam

(To be continued)


Azharur Riyaadh Fi Akhbaari Qaadhi Iyaadh Vol:1, Pages:47-50

Nafhut Tiyb Min Ghusnil Andalus Ar-Ratiyb Vol:, Page: 487

Author: Yusuf Yasin

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