Past sins: A criterion for a Daa’ee

2 التائب من الذنب كمن لاذنب لةAnother kafir principle that is being Islamicized is this notion that if a person had a previous life of sin and promiscuity then he can deal and relate to the masses better than he who did not have any such past.

This notion stems from the kuffar drug addict and alcoholic support group sessions that are usually ran by ex-addicts. So when a singer, a movie star or any one of those people who had professions of sin accept Islam then their dawah is considered [by the masses] the most effective. If any of these past sinners become ulama then this is added to their credentials. Allah forbid.

I ask these people which verse, hadith or statement of the salaf they get this false [baatil] notion from.

On the contrary the greatest inviters to Allah were those who did not simply have a past of righteousness but were intentionally protected from sin. There is no one that has more credentials than the Prophets of Allah عليهم السلام to be inviters to His cause. Yet none of them had a past life of sin.

Guidance comes from Allah. Being the best orator is not the key factor for the success of our dawah, rather taqwa and our connection with Allah is.

Who can deny that the greatest inviters to Allah of our recent past were the Akabereen of Deoband, the likes of Hakeemul Ummat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Ameerut Tableegh Maulana Ilyas Kandhalwi and Qutubul Aqtaab Maulana Muhammad Zakariyah Kandhalvi (alihimur Rahmah)? Study their lives and let me know of any past promiscuous life.

How is it that those who were not simply alcoholics but they were those who sang its praises in poetry abandoned intoxicants without ever relapsing based on the command of a man that never even had the thought or desire to sip a drop of wine, fine or otherwise? When the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم recited the verse:

“O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.” {Maidah: 90}

The Sahabah broke their wine casks and liquor houses, and alcohol was flowing in the lanes and alleys of Madinah like water. This war of the Messenger against alcohol was so successful that its equal cannot be found in history. [Tafsir Usmani]

Since the base [alcoholic group sessions] from which this false notion stems is so weak and so far from the Messenger’s way of Dawah, how can all other sins like zina with all its types, drug abuse, music, being a gangster etc. of a Daaee be of any help in Dawah. Remembering a sin and mentioning it to others after seeking Allah’s forgiveness is a sin in itself.

May Allah give us the true understanding of his Deen, and may He protect us from interpreting it according to the ideologies of the West that are portrayed on TV. Amen.

Author: Ibn Suleman

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