Posted in Misc Taharah

Giving Non-Muslims the Quran or its Translation

It would be permissible to give copies of Qur’ans to non-Muslims if: 1. their guidance is intended thereof, 2. and a person is reasonably confident…

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Posted in Janazah (Funeral) Misc Quran

Taking the Quran in the Graveyard

Question: How is it to take a Quran in the graveyard for recitation? Answer: One should not (take it). After going there read whatever one…

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Posted in Ghusl (Bath) Misc Wudhu

Translating The Quran in English and Giving it to Non-Muslims

Question: Is it permissible to translate the Quran Majeed into English or other such languages? Answer: Yes! It is permissible for the purpose of tabligh…

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Posted in Ghusl (Bath) Misc Wudhu

Giving Non-Muslims Qurans to read

Question: If a Non-Muslim asks for a Quran to read, is it permissible to give him? Can a Non-Muslim touch the Quran without wudhu? He…

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Posted in AY 5 Tazkiyyah

Al Etidaal (Islamic Politics) By Skaykh Muhammad Zakariya Khandalvi

Al Etidaal (Islamic Politics) By Skaykh Muhammad Zakariya Khandalvi الاعتدال في مراتب الرجال This book is a must read for all those involved in the…

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Posted in Articles AY 1 AY 2 AY 3 AY 4 AY 5 E'daadiyyah Etiquettes of Studying Motivators

My heart is Not in my Studies & I'm Fed up of Taunts From my Colleagues

Many students of Deen complain of not having the zeal to study. Below is a letter written by the Barakatul Asr, Baqiyatu Akabirina, Mufti A’zam, Hazrat…

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