Posted in Janazah (Funeral) Misc

Isaalus Thawaab without fixing a day

Question: After a person dies (a family member) invites poor people and Imams who are sahebun nisaab (those on whom Zakat is wajib) on a…

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Posted in Janazah (Funeral) Misc

To Eat after Quran Reading

Question: Most people gather men and women and allot a juz each of the Quran Majeed to recite. Sometimes they call the children of the…

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Posted in Janazah (Funeral)

The bathing, shrouding and janazah of a body on which a post-mortem examination was conducted

Question: A person died in an accident. A post-mortem examination was conducted on him. His body was then sent to his home three days later….

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