Giving Non-Muslims Qurans to read


If a Non-Muslim asks for a Quran to read, is it permissible to give him? Can a Non-Muslim touch the Quran without wudhu? He is not responsible to act on the laws of Islam so does he still have to perform ghusl or wudhu?


If a Non-Muslim reveres the Quran Majeed in his heart and one is confident that he will not dis-respect it, then it will be permissible to give him a Quran Majeed. It is possible that he may be guided by it.

However, he should be advised that this is a pure speech of Allah. To touch it in the state of impurity goes against its honour. So if one is in the state of major ritual-impurity then do ghusl, otherwise do wudhu before reading it. Also teach him the method of ghusl. From this the high status of the Quran Majeed will be created in his heart, Allah willing. It is mentioned in Durr Mukhtaar:

ويمنع النصراني من مسه ، وجوزه محمد إذا اغتسل ولا بأس بتعليمه القرآن والفقه  عسى يهتدي . (در مختار مع الشامي ج 1 ص 164 مطلب يطلق الدعاء على ما يشتمل الثناء) 

Even though the branched out laws of Islam are not binding on Non-Muslims, it is however, our responsibility to protect the Quran Majeed from disrespect and dis-honour. This is why If one fears disrespect then the hadith prohibits from taking the Quran Shareef in the lands of the Kuffar and Mushrikeen, lest they get hold of a Quran Majeed and disrespect it. If there is no such fear then it is not prohibited due to the absence of the illah (primary cause of prohibition).

عن عبد الله بن عمر عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه كان ينهى أن يسافر بالقرآن إلى أرض العدو مخافة أن يناله العدو

مسلم شريف ج 2 ص 131 باب النهي أن يسافر بالقرآن إلى أرض الكفار اذا خيف وقوعه بايديهم

And Allah knows best.

(Hazrat Mufti) Abdur Raheem Lajpuri (May Alla have mercy on him)

Fatawa Raheemiyyah 3/32-33

 قال أبو حنيفة رحمه الله : أعلم النصراني الفقه ، والقرآن لعله يهتدي ولا يمس المصحف ، وإن اغتسل ، ثم مس فلا بأس به

Fataawa Alamghiri, Volume 5, Pg.323

Also read the following fatwas for details 1 & 2

Author: Ibn Suleman

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