Posted in Rulings Salah Sawm

Virtues of Specifically Fasting in Rajab And Special Prayers of Rajab

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Specifically fasting in Rajab with the notion that it is Fardh, Sunnah or it has some special merit is a bidah….

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Posted in Daughter Misc Modesty Mother Pious Women Wife

Is a woman allowed to sit in her house with her hair exposed?

Question: Is a woman allowed to sit in her house with her hair exposed? Answer: If there are no non-mahram men, then a woman can…

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Posted in Daughter Misc Modesty Mother Pious Women Wife

Nose Rings

Question: Is it prohibited for the daughters of noble people to wear a nose ring? I heard that only immoral women place nose rings on…

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