Posted in Janazah (Funeral) Misc

Taking a wage for Reciting the Quran on behalf of a Deceased

Question: How is it to take money for Quran Khaawni (reciting the Quran and gifting the rewards to the dead)? Answer: حامدا ومصليا ومسلما It is…

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Posted in Etiquettes (Sunan Wa Aadaab) Misc

Distributing Quran Translations to Non-Muslims

Question: How is it to give a non-Muslim a Quran Translation? I would like to know details concerning it. There is a famous dawah group…

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Posted in Daughter Misc Modesty Mother Pious Women Wife

Nose Rings

Question: Is it prohibited for the daughters of noble people to wear a nose ring? I heard that only immoral women place nose rings on…

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Posted in Articles Misc Pious Women

The Criterion for The Ruling on any Sport or Game

Hazrat Mufti Taqi Usmani (حفظه الله) writes: As regards to the ruling of entertainment and sports in general, my teacher and my father ‘Allamah Mufti…

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Posted in General History Misc Misc Pious Women

Basant (Kite Flying) is Contrary to the Laws of Shariah

The inception of kite flying. Between the year 1707 and 1759, during the reign of Zakariya Khan, the governor of Punjab, a Hindu by the…

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Posted in Aqidah Misc Motivators Pious Women Worship is a combination of love and obedience

77 Branches of Faith In Islam By Imam Baihaqi (r.a.)

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Islam is not only the name of a faith but complete way of life, which was brought into the world from Almighty…

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Posted in Aqidah Etiquettes (Sunan Wa Aadaab) Misc Pious Women

Saying Salam to a Shia

Question: Are the Bori Shias outside the fold of Islam? Why? Is it allowed to say salam to them? If they say salam, then how…

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Posted in Etiquettes (Sunan Wa Aadaab) Misc Pious Women Sharhul Hadith

To Shake Hands with Every Salam

Question: I meet a specific person five times a day every day. Each time he stretches out his hand for musafahah with every salam. How…

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Posted in Financial Transactions Misc Safar (Travel)

Travelling Without a Ticket

Question: If a person travels in a train in India without a ticket, would he be sinful in the eyes of Allah? Answer: حامدا ومصليا ومسلما…

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Posted in Misc Misc Mother Nikah (Marriage) Pious Women Wife

Contraceptives Due to Weakness

Question: A woman has become very weak. She is unable to take care of children properly. She becomes very weak due to pregnancy. After conceiving,…

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